Thank you for your Love

Dearest Family of the Heart,

Thank you for your Love. Thank you for how passionately you care, for how deeply you are dedicated to our beautiful planet and how wholeheartedly you respond to those who need help. Thank you, especially, for all the ways you have supported us when we have turned to you and asked for help. Your prayers have made a great difference, as I hope our prayers have made a difference for you.

Today I (Yael) am asking for your help again at the urging of Jeshua. This has been a challenging year for me, particularly physically. While I generally do my best to keep my focus elsewhere, (on God/Love), I would like to give you a little background so you will know why I’m asking for prayers. Though I do not claim it as “mine”, this condition that manifests in my body is diagnosed as Ankylosing Spondylitis. And so far it has been unfolding as a classic case (which I need your assistance to shift). It is a genetically predisposed autoimmune inflammatory disease and inflammation is it’s hallmark. Early on, as well as being focused in my spine, it also manifested as Ulcerative Colitis. At one point, what saved my life was IV doses of prednisone. (The lesson on this was in response to a strong bias of mine toward non-medical (natural) healing. What I learned was that allopathic medicine definitely has its place, too…)

For most of the last 40 years, except for that initial manifestation of Ulcerative Colitis, the inflammation has been focused in my spine and joints. A few years ago, the inflammation moved to my digestive system. Then over this last year it became almost impossible to eat. I lost over 20 pounds (and didn’t have it to lose!) My spine began to bend like a willow tree beside a stream.

I am very aware that what is within us is what manifest as our experience of the world. I have done 40 years of investigation, transformation and change. What I continue to receive as guidance is that this is my act of service, what I am carrying back to God for humankind (the belief in suffering and pain…) I also know that miracles can happen at any moment, and that we can shift fully to love. Knowing this, I am asking for your help.

Your prayers made a huge difference to me in 2012 when I had the burst aneurysm and hemmorage stroke. You were instrumental in helping me remain here in the world. Once again, about six weeks ago, it became clear that I was again on the cusp of possibly leaving the physical body. I went to God in heartfelt prayer, surrendered but also said that I wanted to serve humanity’s awakening to Love if that was possible.

After my heartfelt prayer, I received very clear guidance from Jeshua to ask for your prayers. He also asked me to work with an integrative therapist and healer in England named Dan Sainsbury. Dan has a very strong connection with Jeshua and our work truly was transformative.

With Dan’s assistance, things have definitely turned around. I am still being challenged with eating. And, weighing only 70 pounds I need to put on some weight. I am slowly being able to eat more. I need your help lifting me up and holding me in perfection.

The sessions with Dan were amazing. I got to experience, first hand, real time, the clearing and transformation of old hearts beliefs. I would literally feel the basis of these old beliefs and their transformation being acted out in my body and then disappearing. So I know the tables have turned on a deep level, but I still need support in bringing this into the physical. I certainly am feeling the difference in my heart and consciousness. Jeshua is still turning me to you. He says more help is needed.

Please place me in your heart and in your prayers that my body will quickly be restored fully to health.

These are potent energies of change that we are all going through. For many of us, they are intense. And, we continue to be shown that we are transforming the old consciousness of humankind, the old hearts beliefs, for everyone.

If you would like assistance for your own journey of loving service and transformation, I can’t recommend Dan highly enough. And when I mentioned that I was going to tell you about him Dan extended an invitation to you for a free chat with him so you can get a sense of who he is and whether working with him would be right for you. His website is: and his email address is You can also find him on Facebook. (Dan and I worked together online. It was very easy.)

Thank you so much for being my Family of the Heart and my community of Love and support. I apologize for our bimonthly Messages from God being a little late. They will be out to you soon. And Heart Activations will hopefully be happening this week, as soon as I get Jeshua’s go ahead. I will put a notice up on our Circle of Light Spiritual Center Facebook page as soon as I know when it will be happening.

With so much gratitude,


The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light

Circle of Light