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through Yael and Doug Powell
This volume of the Messages from God from mystic Yael Powell’s 35 year communion focuses on the creation here on Earth of a consciousness of Love and only Love. We see that we have been living in a world of duality in which there has existed Love and other than Love. The Messages show us that this is an illusion. There is nothing anywhere but Love. Anything else that we see is mis-perception or humanity’s mis-creation.
We learn to direct our thoughts, to shift from the ego to perception from the heart and to become a force for transformation to unity. We are given the tools to make the changes that will bring forth the living Christ in every human heart.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
This inspiring second collection of Messages from God about consciousness lifts us to a new level of intimacy with God and ever-deeper connection with the Twin Flame in consciousness.
We come to understand our choice to release our identity as a limited human being. God gives clear guidelines for building the bridge to Heaven on Earth in this time of transformation. We learn the importance of releasing our identification as a “limited human being,” and step into our role as a functioning Twin Flame heart within the Christ consciousness that is our true being. “I Am actively calling humanity Home. I Am speaking Love through you to every human heart.”
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through Yael and Doug Powell
Are you ready to be a transforming heart in these dynamic, Earth-changing times? Circle of Light offers MESSAGES FOR THE HEART OF LOVE, an exciting E-Book of Messages from God in which God lifts us to the highest resonance.
At the same time, the Messages address some of the most challenging questions asked by LightWorkers on Earth at this time, such as the use of the Law of Attraction, the role of forgiveness and the effects of our daily decisions.MESSAGES FOR THE HEART OF LOVE directly prepares all of us for the Shift to the Heart that is changing our experience of life, right now. The title addresses each of us. WE are the Heart of Love. As always with the Messages from God, the power lives between the lines in the packets of Love for which the words are carriers.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
If your life is too busy to read full Messages from God, read PASSAGES… High impact PASSAGES from the Messages from God bring you immediately into the full experience of who you are as the Heart of God!
Powerful and dynamic, these PASSAGES hold a resonance that is undeniable to the heart. Read them by themselves or as a companion volume to MESSAGES FOR THE HEART OF LOVE. Begin your day with a few moments of Spirit’s direction. Pose a question, open a page and see what God reveals. Choose a random PASSAGE for inspiration at a challenging moment. Give yourself (or someone else) this (literally) timeless gift of PASSAGES.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
In 1986 Yael and Doug Powell received the first information about the enigmatic topic of SoulMates through the Messages from God. Over the years as they have grown with God’s teaching, the information about SoulMates through the Messages has greatly expanded in scope and detail. These provocative Messages from Yael’s communion with God, the first book published by Circle of Light (2001), reveal radically new and fascinating information on the God-given natural gift of the SoulMate or Twin Flame.
The Messages confirm that each of us was created with a Twin Flame at the Moment of Creation and explain that the innate yearning we all have for a perfect partner is based on spiritual truth. This book opens the heart and tells how to draw your Twin Flame through meditation and heart connection to experience the bliss in relationship that is our birthright. To our knowledge, the SoulMate/Twin Flame teaching as given forth through the Messages at Circle of Light, has not appeared before on the planet. It returns Love and Sacred Sexuality to a key place in our lives, and demonstrates the importance of understanding the Twin Flame for a transformation to Love in our entire world.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
A classic. This important companion book to GOD EXPLAINS SOULMATES brings high resonance understandings of the Love of the Twin Flame and the role of sexuality on Earth between SoulMates. This book is ssential reading for couples making a sacred commitment. It reveals the truth of the vast and high vibrational nature of the SoulMate or Twin Flame and the astounding potential in the atomic power of Sacred Sexuality. Those who desire to reflect their Twin Flame through a relationship on Earth and who are able to come together in highest intention can experience profound ecstasy, while the giving forth of their Love can transform the world. Likewise, God explains that beyond physicality, connection with the Twin Flame in consciousness, through the heart, is a powerful avenue for being the heart of God here in Earth in this transformative time.
Those who desire to reflect their Twin Flame through a relationship on Earth and who are able to come together in highest intention can experience profound ecstasy, while the giving forth of their Love can transform the world. Likewise, God explains that beyond physicality, connection with the Twin Flame in consciousness, through the heart, is a powerful avenue for being the heart of God here in Earth in this transformative time.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
Through mystic Yael Powell, the one we know as Jesus (Jeshua) brings to humanity the truth of his life on Earth with Mary Magdalene. With deeply personal experiences never before unveiled, this story presents the ultimate model for the highest possible Twin Flame Love.
Jeshua shares with us his feelings from the very elevated viewpoint natural to him, as his life on Earth unfolds. Narrated in the first person with chapters by Mary Magdalene as well, Jeshua chronicles in detail his childhood, his passionate Love and marriage to Mary Magdalene and their travels and mission of anchoring Twin Flame Love on Earth. This story brings the awakening of the Feminine Christ for this Age. This is the Christ story as never before presented — a deeply personal, heart-warming sharing of the highest resonance that rings true in every sentence.
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through Yael and Doug Powell
Yael Powell is a universal communicator and has received many messages from animal and plant beings. This masterpiece of animal communication presents a collection of messages received over many years from her special companion, Magic Cat, an animal Master. Yael has always had many animals. Magic was originally a stray cat who came to Yael in a very dramatic way. He would jump on the screen door of the house and make noise until someone fed him. He became so obnoxious that at night Doug closed him in a shed so that they could sleep. Finally, Yael, who never refuses an animal, let him inside the house. He climbed on the pillow of her bed and they fell in Love. From that time on Magic was well behaved and Yael’s darling.
It was no accident that he came to Yael because he was a very evolved cat, in fact, an animal master, as you will see as you read this book. In this compilation of his messages, Magic brings us insights about the Web of Life, Sacred Sexuality through the eyes of a cat, our “loopy” minds, death, the difference between animals and humans and many other topics. Magic shifted from his stray body into a beautiful Ragdoll body a few years back, but then decided to leave for the realms of consciousness. He is ever in our hearts. If you love animals and have ever wanted to communicate with one, you will love the candor and beauty of this volume.
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God’s Guidance to LightWorkers
through Yael and Doug Powell
God’s Guidance to LightWorkers opens with the powerful “Transformation: The LightWorkers’ Decision” from August 7, 2001 in which God notifies us that whether or not we are conscious of it, we the LightWorkers made an earth-changing decision during Harmonic Convergence in 1987. We agreed to do whatever is necessary to bring all of our brothers and sisters home during the coming times, on the In-Breath of God. Prior to this decision, Divine Plan had projected an ascension of those who could carry the Love frequency while the remainder of humanity would remain on this planet in the illusion, in an evolutionary process.For many of us this decision involved volunteering to transmute, literally, dark energies through our bodies. Of this decision, God says:
“This was the moment of My greatest joy. You surprised Me in wondrous and wonderful ways. When I understood this, oh My beautiful children, I fell in Love with you all over again! I understood My own heart in new ways. I knew for the first time that you truly were showing Myself to Me! You were truly opening into Love in manifestation. I knew then that all I had dreamed of for you would be true! You would be co-creators gently loving into being new life. I knew that your homecoming was going to be more than all I had dreamed!”
Many of us have experienced or are experiencing physical difficulties, suffering, hardships that we have not been able to explain. The Message says: “Only the commitment of the LightWorkers, of the pure and loving of heart, to use their lives, their bodies, hearts and Will in service of humanity’s transformation will create the bridge that will bring everyone through.” Every energy is embodied in a physical manifestation here on Earth or in any part of Creation. Only by embodying darkness for those who do not have the consciousness to acknowledge their own choices can every brother and sister turn back toward the Creator. This is the gift that the LightWorkers have given.
This paperback is out of print.
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