A New Offering from Circle of Light
My beloved family of the Heart,
These are exciting times. The waves of Love that are pouring to humanity now are being felt by all of us in so many ways. There is nothing more important now than making the Shift to the Heart, keeping our vibration attuned to the vibration of Love.
To this end, we have a new offering that we are excited about! This is something very close to my heart. We are now making available the original recordings of the Messages from God. These are the recordings that I make as I meditate – the unedited, real-time experience of my communion with God. Here is my introduction from the website. I think it says it all:
“From Yael:
Each day when I meditate, I am lifted into the most indescribable love and beauty. My consciousness expands into limitless freedom and exquisite joy and I am fully awake to the deep, profound and tender gift of communion with God. A communion that is our birthright and Love that is our true nature. It is an experience that is beyond my ability to place into words. It is being alive and conscious as the heart of All That Is while at the same time being aware of a relationship with our Creator that is intimate and tender, a gift that creates a circle of Love that is the purpose of Creation.
From this place of expanded awareness and indescribable love, I do my best to place words on the experience. While I speak these words into a recorder, it is the vibration of love that is the true gift that is given to us in these Messages from God.
It has always been my experience that listening to the recordings is the most powerful experience of this vibration of Real Love. While the vibration is, of course, present in the typed Messages from God, it is effortlessly accessed while listening to the recordings.
I’m so excited about offering these recordings! These are the unedited recordings of The Messages from God as they are being received. (In some of them, you will even hear birdsong if it’s summer and I’m meditating outside on the deck). Most of all, you will feel the vibration of Love that is the most important part of these Messages.
It is Doug’s and my heartfelt prayer to be able to place all of our focus on getting the Messages from God and the Messages of Love out to a greater and greater audience, to bring this vibration of Love to humanity. After praying for this, through many wonderful circumstances, we have been guided to offer these Messages to you as downloadable audio files, for a small cost. We will have at least one free download a month as well.
As well as being an attunement to Love, I believe that these audio Messages will powerfully speak to each person according to the needs of the moment. And, these Messages are a perfect daily meditation. They will lift you into the glorious realms of Love effortlessly, open your heart and attune your vibration to the vibration of Real Love.”
As well as a new free audio download every month we will also continue sending out a typed Message from God every month as well. And we will regularly add new audio files of the Messages from God to the audio download page. We will send out short announcements letting you know when new Messages are available and what they are.
Our first audio downloads are available now. Our very first audio download is “Beyond a World of Love: Holding the Divine Resonance”. This is a powerful and important Message that shows us God’s perspective on creating our own reality. It will change how you see things (or remind you of what you already know…).
Our free audio download for this month is: “The Shift to the Heart is the Highest Priority”. This topic is coming almost continually now with a sense of urgency. Please listen and share this with others (I know that you will be sure to put our information on any sharing so that others can come to the website and explore.) Please click this link to go to our new audio download page and explore!
Audio Messages
Thank you for your beautiful hearts and your dedication to a world of only love.