God blessed us
with her presence on earth…
July 17, 1950 – January 3, 2018
These are some of the many expressions
of Love to Yael and Doug Powell
from all over the world.
***Please accept my words of personal sorrow, and condolences to you at the
physical loss of this very lovely soul and sweet presence of gentleness, kindness,
harmlessness toward life, and mighty open heart of Love which she so unselfishly gave and gave and gave outwardly to all of us. God through Yael was the purest, clearest and truest representation of God’s voice and message that I have ever encountered. There was never a doubt in my mind that this emissary of God’s heart could be counted on and trusted as a Real Messenger of Peace. I read and savored every book, including “Magic Cat”, and the “Say Yes to Love” series, saving every one to read again, which I did countless times, for the truth and beauty I found within the books. It was not possible to remain unchanged for the blessed better, after hearing Yael’s beautiful transmissions from God, so lovingly and meticulously recorded and shared with all of us. What Yael and Doug completed together, with the wonderful help, expertise and
loyal and devoted friendship of ShannaPra, seems nothing short of a miracle. The total body of work and works of love beyond the written word remain a permanent lighthouse on earth. I know in my heart that it will emit light as a testament to humble service to Love, probably forever. What one man or woman can do….I was humbled to
see what Yael accomplished in her life here, so unselfishly, even through the intrusions
of such pain and suffering. I wish her well in Heaven, knowing she will heal and
prosper there. Such rejoicing there from those who await her! Even though we
personally are in grief for ourselves, at the loss of such a dear friend and being of light
in our physical world, we know that all is well with Yael. You have enriched my life. I
am honored to have known Yael Hana Powell. Lynne
***Beloved Yael, I am so deeply grateful for the gift of YOU to all of
us. The wonderful Messages from God conveyed through you, have helped me open my heart more fully and will continue to inspire my life, and countless others. As I contemplate all that you have endured – and with such grace – for all mankind, I am filled to overflowing with humble adoration and awe. Jesus said, “These things also shall ye do, and greater things than these”. Dearest Yael, YOU have done “greater things”! Your whole life has been a miracle that has blessed the entire world! What a legacy! Go in Peace, beloved Soul; Heaven awaits with open arms. With deepest gratitude and love,
Joan (Australia)
**I translated the latest Message from God through Yael into Italian just a couple of days ago. So clear, so full of love and hope. Little did I know that God’s Messenger was finally going Home. God’s Messages that came through Yael have meant so much to me. I found Circle of Light many years ago, I can’t remember when, but I remember that I googled the word ‘love’ – and there it was. And I was once asked by someone what kept drawing me to Circle of Light, and this was the answer: LOVE. I am sure that there will be a great celebration in Heaven on Yael’s arrival; she has done so much for all the people in the world, for those who read and listened to her channelings and even for those who never knew about her and COL. With loving gratitude, Paula (Italy)
** The Messages from God came into my awareness about 10 years ago (early on
in my Spiritual Journey). These messages have always resonated deeply in my heart
and have assisted me greatly in my journey back to Love (God). I will be forever
grateful. Love and Many Blessings to All who know and love Yael and to the many
lives she has touched. Brenda
***Thank you for being a beautiful role model — for showing us the light of God
everyday of your life. You’ve been grace & love in action and we are so grateful for the
time we had together. We’ll miss you so much – the angels will surely lift you into your
heavenly home. May you find your new pain free, light filled existence with God. Rest
well, dear sister. With all my heart, Linda
***The Messages Yael channeled were so spot on and matched what I too would
receive from Spirit. Have read and posted the messages on my wall each time they
came through; often they inspired me to keep on keeping on, despite how things may
appear. Am sending my blessings and thanks to Yael and a double blessing to Doug
who will remain with us. There is no way to repay what you both have done for
humanity. Eternal gratitude. Kathleen
***So much spirit blessing for so many years. I am in awe and gratitude for all she
has done and does. Peace and grace to you forever, Yael and friends, and loves. Bob
*** My heart is with Yael and Doug. She was indeed God’s servant of Love and Light
and even though we will miss her here, I cannot help but be happy that she will
transition to a place of joy and happiness, and finally be free of all the pain she has
endured. Jesus tells us nothing is personal. In this light I see Yael’s pain as a service
she rendered for humanity and Mother Earth, laying a foundation for the New Earth
that all Light Workers are here to create and manifest. Her physical presence will be
missed but her spirit will remain as a guiding light for all those who had the privilege
of knowing her. Judy
**I am so sad that Yael is making her transition now, yet happy for her for what awaits her. Yael has been in my heart from the beginning, ever since I first reached out to her and Doug. On learning about her chronic health issues, one thought has kept coming to mind: It must be hard for Angels to embody as humans. She certainly must be an Angel. I will miss knowing she’s around us and I send her and my distant friend, Doug, Love and Light in this time of change. Bill Thank you does not express the gratitude for what you have given. I don’t know
any of you and yet you have so generously and unconditionally given of yourselves for
others. Your messages transcend my thoughts. Simply put, you have changed my life.
God bless Yael …and all of you. Godspeed. Debbie
***My joy for you as you pass from this life to the next is beyond measure. I thank
you for all of the countless blessings you have bestowed upon humanity. Now go and
enjoy your heavenly reward as the rest of us will carry on now with you as our guide.
***It is with great sadness but in the same breath a divine celebration of a life
that was dedicated to Love, to God that transformed so many people across the planet. I
wish to express my heart-felt and sincere gratitude to Our Creator Almighty Heavenly
God who made us cross paths with my beloved sister. To me you were a true vessel of
Heaven…Your messages transformed my life and my Being in ways I cannot describe. I
am consoled that we have the Circle of Light website. I am sometimes drawn to your
website and directed to a particular message…and most of the time that message would
provide an answer to what my Soul would be searching for at that time. Your Love,
your relationship with Doug was truly not of this world. You were truly blessed to
have met the other half of your Soul. May your Blessed Soul rest in Eternal Peace.
Charity (South Africa)
***Supported by your twin flame messages, I was able to draw my divine BeLoved.
Your humanly/Godly gifts have changed lives. Thank you. Yael, see you on the flip side!!
***Thank you for ‘remembering,’ thus allowing others to remember through your
beautiful reflection and embodiment. With very much love. Joe
***I weep with gratitude…and loss. How can words express my heartfelt gratitude
for the loving messages, the constant encouragement…the guiding light…. My arms
surround Doug and family, as we join to say So Grateful Are We That You Walked so
many miles with US…. Su
***I am grateful for all that I have received from the messages and the books
through the gifts and unfailing dedication of Yael. The words always went straight to
my heart and cut through any illusion I still held about love and God. Heartfelt thank
you, Yael; may your journey onward be smooth and blessed by beauty in a myriad of
ways. My love to you too, Doug, and strength for your journey from here. I feel humble,
grateful and blessed all at the same time. Elke
I am so saddened to hear that we will be losing our wonderful Yael, our conduit for the Messages of God. And at the same time, I am overjoyed for her transition back to God as well. I will miss her divine uplifting messages and truly hope we can stay connected when she is back home. I send her all my love from my Glorious Heart. It was through her messages that I remembered that I am the open heart of God as are all. Thank you and blessings on your wondrous journey back home Yael. We will miss you so much on this side, while celebrating your arrival home on the other. In love, Paula
THANK YOU, Yael and Doug, and everyone who helped spread the wonderful
Messages of God. I loved receiving the Messages, they were very precious to me. God, I
will miss them ! But I am also very grateful for every single Message I have received.
Yael, beautiful and faithful Messenger of God, may you have a wonderful journey
Home and rest in Eternal Peace and Joy ! With love, Valerie (Belgium)
***Blessings! Thank you for your beautiful inclusion of our thoughts, heart and soul
sensing for this very blessed event… I am so humbled, and yet so deeply affected by this
news. I have never felt so much love, guidance, compassion or deep generosity as I have
through the Circle of Light Messages. I will miss Yael deeply, however my hope and
belief is that she will continue to open our hearts to the literal “Circle of Light” even
more profoundly. I love how the indigenous native Americans refer to this transition
as “dropping the robe.” It is in such grace, that we truly know ourselves and are
reunited with the Love we so yearn for while here. I have so much yet to learn and
absorb from your amazing teachings. It is with great, great gratitude and joy I open
my heart in love to you and all your Oneness in Light and Love. Thank you ,Dear Ones,
for being the Angels you are and helping us to know who we are as well… Rose
***I felt so much love for Yael & her Messages from God. I will always remember
when I went to the weekend gathering & I still have the group picture. Holding
everyone in my thoughts & prayers & holding Yael in Love & Light as she makes her
transition home to God. Thank you so much for everything you did, Yael, in your
service to all of us. Sending Love from my Heart Flame to Your Heart Flames Love &
Blessings Nancy
*** I’ve been reading most of Yael’s words for many years now (around 10 years),
and it has been about much more than the words, and more than any feeling can
convey. The ‘real love’ is always present regardless of our expressions. Yael has been
able to point to that true ‘inner reality’ with her words beautifully in a way that has
helped many continue to find this truth at the core of it all. Her words have assisted
me in my most difficult times in life, and for that I am grateful. A thanks to Yael, and
to all of you. Sending prayers of love and peace during her transition. Pierre (Canada)
***So sorry to hear about Yael. I just wanted to thank her with a line or two. Yael
shared her open heart with me in sisterhood; in sacrifice and service; in kindness and
solidarity, and I am very humbled and grateful. Thank you, Yael. Love, LiaJohn P.S.
Tommy Angel is okay.
***Soaring High on Golden Wings. Forever assisting all to see that
they, too, will ascend Soaring High on Golden Wings. Words came through to You &
Yours. Heartfelt thank you, Christine
Dearest Yael, my sweet soul sister. You held me in your physical embrace at our meeting in 2004 and continued to hold me daily with your beautiful messages from God… May I hold you now, heart to heart and in grateful presence and say Thank You… Love always, Elisabeth
Although we never got to meet, my heart and love goes out to you. Back to the
light, Yael, till we meet again. God Bless. Phil
***Yael, I celebrate you and I sing your name this day. I hear God singing also – and
laughing that anything but love surrounds you – for you live in eternity. And you
have brought us all closer to our Truth – the Presence of Love in form. Sweet and
Divine Sister, go gently into this Heaven. With heartfelt gratitude for all you are and
all you give, we love you, Elizabeth and David
***I Am holding in my heart a direct experience of the Beloved. ..an experience
seeded in Light through Yael and Doug’s pure presence, in community with others..in
their home. I take this with me always….with gratitude and love. Karen
***We have been blessed by Yael’s shining Light and all the wonderful messages from
God to all the Circle of Light Brothers and Sisters. She will always be in our hearts and
she will continue to Shine her Light and guide us all from above. I am sure a grand
party and reunion awaits her. She will be dearly missed. Much Love and Blessings Jay
***In gratitude, Yael, for all the love you have brought to me throughout the years.
The Company of Heaven, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Light and
God are there to take you back home where you will merge into the divine light.
Blessings and my heart goes to Doug, Shanna and everyone involved in this process.
Patty Namasté
El Espíritu en Mí Honra el Espíritu en Tí
***I only learned of Yael and COL quite recently and, in fact, spent much time on
the website two night’s ago. I listened to Yael read Messages and they were a balm on
my heart. The written Messages that I receive eagerly via email, also, calmed and
deepened me in Truth. Although I never met Yael in the physical, her Presence and
Devotion touched me to the core and I am truly grateful for all that she is and that she
brought through. May Yael experience a sweet, soul journey Home and I wish you,
Doug and Yael, much, much love and tenderness. In love, Farida (Scotland UK)
***Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us. You have been the instrument
of God, the Creator, the All That Is. I am very thankful your books and website, for
they have helped me have hope and reawaken the memories of my purpose and mission
as a lightworker. Your journey in this lifetime has been challenging. Now that it’s
done, it’s time to rest. We will carry on and continue to spread the light that has been
ignited in each of us. Enjoy your homecoming. The veil is now gone. Rejoice!
Much Love, Thi Tran
May a Being who has shone such loving Light onto the world forever sparkle in the Light of God/dess and the Angels. And of course, continue to shine on us and on Doug! In Love, Maybel
I always received the beautiful inspiring Messages from God which Yael
distributed through email, and I was very saddened to hear that she is ready for a
transition. Even though we all know that life and death are only transitions, and the
Only Truth is Love, and God, it still is sad to hear. My Heart and Soul are pausing in
Oneness with her and Love. From a ‘stranger’ in Canada; from my Heart and Soul —
Thank you for the beautiful messages from God channeled through you which have
been Emailed to me regularly ; words cannot express how they have inspired
me……………..One Love…..Thank You ! Ingrid (Canada)
** *Yours were the first ones whose emails interested and deeply moved me, that is
years ago. I don’t remember how many times I listened to your CD’s with awe and
inner knowing that it was truths given to you/us, through you. Thank you so much for
being such a pure channel. With much love from Claire. (Australia)
*** Thank you, thank you to this beautiful Being of Light – Yael – and to you all for
the gift of your presence, your wisdom, your great Love. So many times the messages
have filled my heart – my entire being – with healing and joyful Truth just when I
needed it. Many, many blessings on your way Home, Yael, and love and blessings to the
entire Circle. Susan
***My deepest prayers of gratitude to this Angel of Love, Yael. Thank you for
singing me on my sacred path, my friend. With your help, I found the Grandmothers
and my Master Teachers. What a pure messenger you are and forever will be…. Till
next time. My deepest heart, Andrea
***…..as I took you (Yael) up like on the wings of eagle and brought you to me.
……as you truly listen to my voice and uphold and guard my standing, you shall be
more beloved to me than all the nations of the earth,
because this earth is mine
Exodus 19:4b, 5 paraphrase
Ancient Aramaic Language
This lady, Yael, touched my
life this morning with a love from ‘the wings of an eagle’ that I was not expecting in
this time of testing. Thank you. In gratitude and Perfect love, Joselyn (Australia)
***Dear Yael, I have never met you in person, but you are one of the three persons
who shaped my life significantly, shaped my understanding of life, and who I am, who
we are – and I am grateful for that. I can truly feel how we all are one, truly one, and
how we can communicate regardless of the miles in between. I have kept all your
messages – which most of them were received exactly at the time I needed them, with
the exact content I needed to know at that time.(I will pass them to my kids, as well.)
You have been the voice of the truth, to me, and many other souls around the globe. I
know, you have always been around here, and you will always be. Your soul will be
with us, forever, that is what I am also grateful for. No “good byes”, no farewells. You
will always be around here. With love and respect. In the most humble way. Philip
*** I would like to write lovely words speaking of my gratitude for Yael and
everything she means to each and every person who has been reading the “Messages
From God”, but it wouldn’t be enough to describe what is going on in my heart. So, I just
want to tell you all something awesome that happened while I was reading your e-
mail…I live in Brazil and, at this time of year, the weather is very hot, and the mango
trees are full of mangos. We have one here in our backyard. And there is also a kind of
small parrot that comes in flocks to eat the fruits and makes a big fuss while eating!
This is exactly what was happening when I started reading your e-mail [about Yael’s
passing]. They were making such a noise that one could barely talk here. But, suddenly,
there was a silence… a silence so deep that not even the trees moved, so as not to
disturb. It lasted about 15 minutes. And then came the Summer rain, like a shower of
Love and Blessings. At that moment, I had the feeling that even the birds and all
nature wanted to pay homage to Yael. And I joined them in gratitude. May Yael be in
the arms of the Angels of God now, in peace and glory! Love! Love! Love to all of you at
Circle of Light! Vera (Brazil)
***Thank you for your gift – you have helped ease my anxiety and depression over
the years. Truly, an angel amongst us on earth. I send you love and prayers so that
your journey to the next life is smooth and glorious. Love, Maryanne
***At last it is upon us, Yael’s transition into the light. I feel so blessed to have
been a recipient of her Connection with God all these years. I am so grateful she was
able to be with us for as long as she was. My heart’s love to Doug, and everyone who
has been helping her sustain in the physical realm. What a glorious being, Yael. Love,
***You have my heartfelt sympathy, gratitude, and love for the precious gift that
is Yael. I will miss her words and presence greatly. May you be filled and surrounded
with God’s Graces and surrounded by His Love, Comfort, and Presence. With sympathy
and gratitude, Karen
***Yael’s messages have helped me remember the truth of who we are, even in the
darkest of times. Thank You beautiful child of God…Leslie
***I was with you in 2008 and had the opportunity of spending some days with you,
Yael, Doug and Shanna. When Yael touched my heart and said: Impressive! I knew she
meant I had really met my twin flame and I was in a process I could feel, but couldn´t
express in words. I want to say that Impressive is you, Yael. I cannot find words to
express why. I am in Brazil and I cannot be with you, but my heart is with all of you.
Nilce (Brazil)
***God has filled our souls and hearts with his Love and Wisdom through you. We
embrace you forever. Our gratitude and love to you and Doug, as well as the
community of the Circle of Light! Gustavo and Miriam
*** I was blessed to come across your website a few years ago and read the beautiful
story that you wrote about Jesus and Mary Magdalene and each week have read the
Divine messages that came through you. Thank you! I know Jesus and God’s Holy
Angels are gently and safely carrying you home. Sincerely, Karen
***I have read many of your Messages from God and they were absolutely beautiful.
Thank you so much for all you have done and I will forever hold you in my heart. I
will really miss you. Sending you Love and Light and may you always be surrounded
by Angels. You are loved!!! Antonia
***I am fairly new to these wonderful blessings brought forth through this angel.
I’m 90 years old and have ‘known the Lord’ for almost 57 of those years. I’ve had
marvelous teaching from many, many teachers, but none of the depth and breadth that
are the Messages from God. I was stunned to receive your email today and I’m keeping
Doug and you and all there in God’s Unconditional Love. So grateful to have saved all
of these incredible messages as well as her audio teachings. For Yael I can only rejoice
for her liberation, though she will be greatly missed by all. Perhaps she got us through
to where we can now access God’s Love on our own and so her mission was fully
accomplished and she was free to go Home. May God continue to strengthen and guide
you all as to the future. Blessings & Love, Shirley
***I want to echo the many voices I know you’re hearing now at this time of Yael’s
transition. Over the years, I’ve shared Her Messages from God with many friends. We
all will miss her inspiring insights and beautiful expressions of God’s lessons going
forward. She touched so many lives around the world with Light, Power, Compassion,
Truth, and Wisdom. We have all been blessed to receive her words and Vision for a
Shift to the Heart. MJ
***Dearest ones, I want to add words of loving kindness that echo the gratitude I
feel for the constant messages of love from God with Circle of Light, through Yael. All I
can say now, in this moment, is how deeply grateful I am for these messages, as they
have sustained me ever since I discovered them. I’ve always felt that, once opened, the
message called to be read all the way through exactly then. And some, again and
again. Deepest thanks dear gentle Yael, you must know your devotion has yielded fruit
for many, many souls. I honor you for your fortitude and the clear conduit that you
are and the constant loving kindness you’ve exhibited in this role you have chosen to
play. Great peace be with you and those around you, also. Om Shanti, Shanti Shanti,
***Everything falls in place in God’s own time. I would not be where I am in the
Present Moment without God’s Messages from the Circle of Light, without the Heart
activation from our Beloved Jeshua. All these things God made possible by choosing you
and Doug as His/Her instruments, and your willingness and cooperation is a
manifestation of God’s grace and Love. Thank you so much to you and Doug. I will be
forever grateful to God for you. Indeed, I proudly say, Only Love Is Real. Let us all
continue to journey together in Light and Love! Love, Nilda (The Phillipines)
***So very glad my dear sister will be released from the ceaseless agony that has
been her physical existence, yet at the same time, feeling sorry for myself and all those
who love her so tenderly. There comes a time for each of us when we have to turn
within and stop leaning on those Angels who have provided such sustenance for our
souls. On so very many levels, we will feel a void at her transition. I shall never let a
day pass without gratitude on my lips for the mercy provided by the daily Message
From God that she received and pushed with the last of her stamina to ensure the
sharing of the same with countless people. My heart embraces all of you with such
abiding gratitude and love. Blessings, Vickie
***Doug and Yael Powell are an integral part of our community. They are a
bright and pure light which has illumined and warmed many of us through the years.
No, let me reword that: they have affected all of us, all the time, whether we were
aware of their goodness or not. I first met them when they came to my gallery of local
artists asking if they could sell their spiritually-oriented books there. Due to Yael’s
physical limitations, she spent many hours a day in bed, meditating and writing. The
words which flowed from her were honest and enchanting. The first book I read of hers
was called, Magic Cat Explains Creation. Yael’s deep connection with all things was
obvious in this delightful book based on her communications with her cat. She has the
same deep link with plants, people, everything and everyone. I loved her the first
moment I met her. She will be missed by all who have known her. But she is not leaving
a void, because she’s not going anywhere. Love lives on and on. Marsha
***What an incredible, beautiful soul. And so transparent, to be a conduit for
messages that ring with so much truth you know it is real. And she has borne her
physical pain with such grace and beauty. I pray for her immensely, and hope and
believe I will see her on the other side of our present reality. To say she has changed my
life is an understatement. Karen
***Dear Yael, your heart resonant words have profoundly awakened my heart to
remember such simple and profound truths. I am eternally grateful. God speed, enjoy
your restful place in the home of all homes. I love you, Raina
***Very few people in this world are surrendered to God, allowing the glory and
majesty of infinite love and light to shine and manifest through them to all. Yael and
Doug are these people. Now Yael is serving all of us once again from a place seated
next to the Most High. Please help us all, Yael, and remember us as we remember you
as our friend and a most beautiful Being. Thank you for everything. We love you!
Stephen (Australia)
The Messages God delivered to Humanity through Yael are made of the purest, highest energy present in all of Creation, and Yael was a crystal clear conduit, a great soul in human form. She accompanied me for so long on my journey, with complete integrity to Herself and her purpose on Earth. If God calls her Home now, either we are left alone and adrift, or it must be that she has accomplished her earthly task and that we have attained the goal, we are ready to fly high. It is my responsibility now to be a living witness of the Truth to which Yael devoted her life. Much love and light to all who have known and loved her, and to Doug especially. Emilia (Italy)
Surfing on the Internet, I found the “Messages from God” in the Spring of 2003.
Arriving from Holland, I was the first person (with my friend Hania) to walk into the
Circle of Light to attend the first workshop in September that year. Many workshops
followed, and every time I was able to stay after the workshops for 3 – 4 weeks at the
Circle of Light. And when the workshops stopped, my visits continued until 2013. I had
the great privilege of enjoying the friendship of Yael and Doug and Shanna. I have seen
the human and the divine sides of Yael + Doug’s Twin Flame relationship, which was
an important manifestation they brought into the world. I will deeply cherish the
memories of the times we spend together. But it has always been clear that our
relationship was grounded in our common love for God and our immense appreciation
for the way His Love was manifested in the “Messages from God” and for their very
unique content. The willingness of Yael to bring these Messages into the world was
without boundaries, enduring the physical pain and limitations of her body. For
nearly 15 years now the “Messages from God” have literally been my ‘daily bread’, and
they will continue to be so. So, in my daily contemplation of these Messages, Yael will be
with me for the rest of my life. Thank you, God. Thank you, Yael and Doug. Adriaan
(The Netherlands)
***Dear Angels, I wanted to tell you all that I picked up the book Say Yes To Love
when I was at a store in Moab, Utah, and I carried it with me to now. I read it
religiously. I learned so much. I felt like God is real and love is real. So, recently, I have
come to know my true Soul mate. I am so grateful for Yael’s messages and what she
shared with me because I never knew I could be so loved. Please know that everything
in this book is true. Ethan Stephens is my soulmate. We met July of this year. Thank
you and I love you all. I would love to be of service and so please teach me how. I’m
realizing that I waited too long to message you all. Another lesson learned today.
Thank you for loving me from afar even though I didn’t love myself for so many years.
***Sending heart-felt love and appreciation for Yael’s soul here on the earth and
beyond. Yael’s presence and unconditional loving energy and the messages from God
illuminate the way in this world. May Yael be at peace and enjoy the freedom of
lighting up the heart of the universe unencumbered. Ed
***I have been lifted by the messages of The Circle of Light, and give thanks for the
truth that was shared so openly and generously. Each time I found a message in my
inbox, I looked forward to the resonance in my heart that always followed. Thank you
Yael for your beautiful gift. Peace and Love to Yael and all who love her. Maggie
***Dear One, Sail on dear sister. Thank you for the gifts you gave us. May you, your
family, and all continue into The Light. Love and Gratitude, Stephen
***As tears come, I feel a deep sadness for the removal of the sweet light Yael
brought into my life personally. I have followed her channelings of the deep love of my
life…God, for many years. Her inspiring life and messages have brought me through
and out of many a dark place in my life. None of us can know of her suffering without
experiencing it ourselves, so I am joyful for her graduation. A life so well lived is a
reason for great celebration and emulation. Love and blessings to all…Pat
***We are grieved and yet excited for Yael as the journey she is about to embark
upon answers all questions! To be one with Creator again is a wonderful reward for a
life here on Earth. Phill and I were blessed to be married by Yael, and it has been a
glorious union. Those whom she married seem to have that bond of love that cannot be
broken. One of her many gifts she bestowed upon this world. We will miss your bright
light, dear Yael. Thank you for your many blessings in this world and the next.
Sending you much Love,Sheri and Phill
**How do you replace the irreplacable? I trust that although her work is done here,
God will bless us with more like her, as the Messages from God become more widely
known and integrated into earth life. I pray that your mourning will be brief and your
joy will be unending. Lorrie
*** I have been so uplifted, so inspired and humbled by Yael’s magnificent
messages from the Beloved and by the extraordinary being of Light that is Yael.
Although I have never contacted or known her personally, I truly feel as though she is
my sister of the heart. Her multidimensional presence as the heart of God she is, is
available here and now everywhere in total freedom. I love you Yael and Circle of
Light. Puja (United Kingdom)
***My dears, thank you for all the years of beautiful messages. Yael has been such
a bright and loving light and I congratulate you all on her completion. Loving
unconditionally, that is where we will always be in touch with her. Hugs and blessings
from Eva (Germany)
***I wanted to express to Doug and to the honor of Yael how magnificently I was
grown through her and her service to God. In my search for the truth of God in this
world, I found Yael’s voice. It was the most clear and true channel to God I’d ever
experienced. Reading the messages and the beautiful books from Yael for over a decade,
I feel that I was such a child when I began, and that the soft, moving, persistent and
POWERFUL messages transformed and grew my heart in a way that’s beautiful
beyond words. I feel honored to carry these living messages in my heart every day, to
aspire to be the open heart through which God is loving the world. I am sending Yael all
my love and gratitude for her life and work, rejoicing in her triumph for what she
accomplished here in lifting the world, and wishing her a graceful passage Home to rest
in God. In Love and Light, Jennifer
***God bless Yael, may her spirit fly easily back to freedom and the arms of love. Thanking Yael for all the wonderful helpful messages she gave us over the past years. Love to Doug and all her friends at this tender time. Joan (United Kingdom)
***The universe became much brighter tonight. The woman who served as an
inspiration to so many, whose loving spirit triumphed over three decades of
unimaginable pain, is finally free to soar and shine. Yael was instrumental in my
decision to move to Eureka Springs. Her incredible support and encouragement was
largely responsible for my success. And her ability to shine despite constant pain was
an inspiration to me and everyone who knew her. A simple hug could be agonizing for
her, and yet she ALWAYS greeted everyone with a warm, loving hug. Throughout our
lives, we encounter thousands of people, but only a handful make a lasting, lifelong
impression. Yael was a remarkable person whose enormous spirit transcended her
small, withering body, and I will forever remember her as one of the brightest lights I
have ever seen. Mark
***Dear all at the Circle of Light. Oh – how we love you. We are filled with so
much humble gratitude and love now that Yael has lay down her earthly body. We feel
sadness about her passing. We also feel so much love. We admire her for her Walk of
Life. We feel blessed. We are very grateful and will remember her for TLC. In 2006,
Herman and I were brought together through the messages of Yael on TwinFlames — on
how we can be a pillar of Light together. We will continue to hold all of you in our
prayers. Blessings of Love and Light, Herman and Petra (The Netherlands)
***Thank you so much. These messages have influenced, inspired and healed my
life. So much so that I am moving from being single for 25 years into having a
relationship with a special person who has come into my life. A soul mate relationship
that has been influenced by these beautiful Messages from God. Thank you for bringing
the possibility of such a beautiful relationship into my life and for modeling it in your
life between you and Doug. I am forever grateful for your life of devotion and the
messages of love, joy and hope you brought to all of us. May you be free and blessed in
your return to God. Love, Holly
***My memory is of a channel from Father God. It took me two hours to read, and
was like a wonderful Poem, and near the end a voice in my mind said clearly, make
sure you read this to the end. And it was then that three wonderful flames were placed
into me. I will ask God’s blessing for all of you, and may we all be able to celebrate
Yael’s life. She will surely watch from not far away. God bless you all. Lee (London)
***What a beacon of light Yael has been over the years to illuminate the darkness
for so many of us. Her life was led in service and as an example of love for others. She
will be missed. Jasmine
***Yael, I miss you so much! I wish you a gentle journey to the higher worlds
where angels will certainly bow to your masterful and well lived life on earth! Without
you, your work and your beautiful messages from God, my life would not be the same.
Without you I would not have developed into the woman I am today and I could not do
the work I do, touching so many people. Your messages are a pillar for healing and
salvation for so many. I feel so blessed to have known you, and I am grateful that our
paths have crossed. You were part of my inner circle of spiritual family. And even
though we have never met in person, I had the feeling that I know you very well and
am very close to you. Thank you for your beautiful life, for being here at this point in
time and for the tremendous impact you had on bringing the highest light and the
finest consciousness to Earth! My heart goes out to Doug and Shanna, both so beautiful
and pure, who worked with you to bring this enormously important work out into the
world! Farewell! Simona (Germany)
***Thank you so much for the Blessings of Love you consistently brought to US. Each
time I received a message from Circle of Light, my heart would begin to flutter before
I’d seen the first word. I’m glad you’re free, Yael. I wrote you once, talking about the
connection I felt with you in many ways. I was awakened in 1972, I chose an earth walk
that has been extremely difficult. I felt a dear kinship with you. In the Angelic Realms
I am known as J’aelle. So even in our names, we’ve been connected. It is my profound
pleasure to be sharing these energies with you all. What a partner you’ve been, Doug,
on so many levels and in so many realms and realities. I extend the Blessings and Grace
of Great Love to all, from our Rainbow Councils of Love and of Light. Joie ~ J’aelle ~
Round Star ~ Mother of All
***I am saddened to hear about the passing of this beautiful soul Yael. My thoughts
and prayers are with you Doug and the family. May God’s arms of love bring you the
comfort you need at time. I also want to thank you for all your help support , love and
light you have sent out to the world through the work that you and Yael did over the
years. I was truly blessed and I send you the blessings peace love and light that you
need at this time. Much love ❤️
Peace and blessings. Jallana (Canada)
***Dear Doug and all those who witnessed Yael’s transition, supported her mission,
and loved her and shall continue to love her beautiful and gifted spirit, May your
hearts know the peace of feeling Yael’s presence and love surround and enfold you at
this time and through all times. Thank you for gracing so many of us with your gifts
and the upliftment of our beautiful planet. May the Circle of Yael’s and your love be
unbroken in all moments of time. Love from Donna
***In 2010, I googled “Twin Flames” … and so began my kaleidoscopic journey
with Circle of Light. Yael was one of very few then on earth, who understood “walking
the world home,” through one’s own life,
exactly as it is
… I resonate Absolutely with
Her (God’s) Message: Heaven has always been available to experience … Let Go !! & let
all be in perfection, “The Way It IS.” I “see” now the physical expansion of Heaven on
Earth; A New World forming. My part in bringing it forth is to focus, in my life, with
the same dedication that Yael brought in hers. How I Love the Feeling of Devotion that
Yael has Magnified in My Heart. Katherine
***I have read all German editions of “Say Yes to Love”. Every single sentence has
touched me deeply, and the magic of unconditional love, felt in every word,
overwhelmed me indescribably and influencing my life positively. Thanks for that!
What should I write to someone who is much closer to God than I? The message of
beloved Yael’s return home hit me deeply and moved me to tears. Nevertheless, it is
comforting to know that she is now freed from her physical suffering.
May angels guide her to Paradise, may God give her eternal peace and may Yael’s
shining light of love illuminate the universe and enlighten your earthly path. My
thoughts are in love with you. Beate (Germany)
*** I’ve been on the email list for years now and the Messages of Love have kept
me hopeful and buoyant. I copy them into my Twin Soul file… Even though he is not
with me in this incarnation that I’m aware of, I have met him in the 5thD I guess you’d
call it, when my ego self was put aside and my ‘queen’ self as I call it felt the warmth of
his kiss… I don’t know if my whole body could contain all that unconditional love. I
have also had an OBE/NDE where I was imbued with Love within greater Love so I
have experienced that clarity of mind and painlessness, a happy, blissful place indeed.
Love and Light, Diane
***Elf is sending you Heart Blessings, with lots of magenta Love and Light! May
we be the living embodiment of God’s Messages of Love! In humble Gratitude for Yael’s
Guiding Light, In Love, Elfriede
***Dear beloved Yael, you’ve passed the veil and gone back Home. I’m glad for you
that it was time to leave your body and all the suffering behind. My wife and I thank
you so much for all the incredible beautiful Messages from God and all those other
channelings. You gave us such precious gifts for so many years…… You can be proud
and fulfilled with everything you have given to us and to the world. We thank you so
much and wish you all the best with your journey through the heavenly spheres. We’ll
miss you and your translations of your communion with God. Enjoy being Home now
and may be we’ll meet again in another life. Jeannette & Paul (The Netherlands)
***For my sister Yael: Yael, you were a wonderful soul and a great sister. You will
always have a special place in my heart. I am glad you are free from pain and I hope
you find eternal happiness. We will miss you. Daniel
***I still remember the first Workshop I attended 13 years ago and meeting Yael for
the first time. Our hearts and souls connected immediately, she looked into my eyes and
said, “You’ve waited a long time for this haven’t you?” I nodded my head, yes. She said,
“Welcome home.” Doug and Yael demonstrated what unconditional love is. Even though
the ego tried to create separation at times, when we made the choice to return to our
hearts the love was always stronger. They were both instrumental in assisting me to
move here, and provided a place for me to live, so I could continue to grow in service to
humanity. They made me a part of their family and always invited me to Christmas
and Thanksgiving dinners, Fourth of July celebrations, Valentine’s dinners, lots of home
movies (always with popcorn), and sailing. All holidays were covered, as they knew I
had no family here. I am honored, and extremely grateful for the time I got to spend
with Yael, and her last night here on Earth. I look forward to continuing to spend time
with my Bro Doug in the future, and return to him the same kindness and
unconditional love that he always gave to me. Deb
***My sincere condolences at Yael’s passing to the other side of the veil. May her
passing be smooth and bright. We have never met but were connected for a long
number of years through your dedicated work for which I thank you both. At this
important time, it is necessary that awakened souls be present at both sides to build the
bridge between the realms, and your work continues by standing at each side of that
bridge -Yael there and Doug here, until there’s no more here and there. From my
personal experience the only cure for sorrow and grief is love – to remember the love
and to love on. Blessings, Ines
***Thank you for your service to humanity, Yael Hana Powell. May you rest
in eternal Peace and Grace. Thank you for the Messages from God, for your courage
and dedication. Thank you for connecting with me on Facebook, and for your support
during difficult moments. Your Earthly Presence will be missed. I celebrate you, I
celebrate the Love that we are. All Joy to You! Namaste. Until we meet again.
Craig (United Kingdom)
***I am feeling so sad, yet breathtakingly blessed. Each day I watched, hoping to
see Circle of Light appearing on my email… knowing I would be buoyed, embraced and
nurtured by Yael and her wonderful words. I will miss her deeply, but the perfume of
her Beauty Full heart will linger on to comfort us. I am so grateful to have known her
and consider our connection one of the greatest joys in my precious Life. With love and
a huge hug to Doug, and to all at Circle of Light from Meath. (Ireland)
***Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as we celebrate the life of Yael and we
thank you for the beautiful messages that uplift us and inspire us.
Many blessings to you all from Gaye and Peter (South Africa)
***…feeling the powerful vibrations of open hearts that are actively surrendered to
God. Yael shares the purity of love that draws us into communion with the One Great
Heart in which we are all cells of Light. She has given everything to allow these
streaming messages to move through her that we might share them, and Doug has been
her support in every way possible in his loving vigil and physical care. Naomi
*** Even though never meeting in person, once discovering Circle of Light many
years ago, I have felt a connection with Yael. Seeing this instantly sent a wave of shock
and sadness for me. Then, it came to me, “she is now free. May all involved be blessed
with comfort, love and peace! Yet, my heart sings, “Fly high Yael!!! Be in joy and
peace!!! You deserve it!!! Thank you for touching my heart in a way that has positively
impacted my life!!!!! You will be missed!!!!” Much love, Amy
***My heart is filled with the deepest feelings of gratitude for everything that Yael
has given to me and many of those closest to me. Thank you, Yael, for this incredible
gift wrapped in so much light and so much love. Thank you for so many years of
dedication, thank you for the privilege of feeling the flow of your energy when I was
translating your words into German. There have been so many, many wonderful
moments of bliss and understanding coming through your words. I will always hold this
precious gift in my heart. You are now back with God and all of your angel friends and
I can see the light which is surrounding you. Birgit (Germany)
***Sending divine love, light and prayers for the transition of Yael Powell.
Knowing and holding the purest light for her and all those around that are affected.
Yael, Doug and Shanna have meant so much to me from the moment our souls
interacted here on Earth. Michael and I met a part of our light family. We were
provided the Messages of Light, the confirmations of our heart and what we heard that
everyone else thought was crazy. Yael and her work has been the beacon, the light
bridge needed to expand my heart and ascension with my twin flame, Michael. In her
life and all she’s had to go through she has fulfilled her promise with the universe. You
are so loved, so held and I with thousands and all the universe hold you all in the heart
of infinite Love! Gina and Michael
***In 1982, our community newspaper, The Grapevine, printed an essay Yael
wrote about what she’d learned from living with pain. It was titled “Diamonds in the
Tears”. After that, she and I offered a free pain management group for a few years.
Since that time Leslie and I watched with deep respect, wonder, and love as Yael
continued to find more and more diamonds. Even as the weight of her pain grew she
continually transmuted the density of early trauma and severe suffering into pure gold
love light and widely received wisdom teachings. Her life was and is an endless
blessing. Geoff
I have so many rich memories of my treasured friendship with Yael, which blossomed
immediately when we first met in 1982. I am so very grateful for this friendship —
which I feel continuing in a very beautiful way. Her capacity for love and her deep
deep inner work and connection to the Divine inspired me and so many others. Seeing
her transform immense amounts of pain and anguish into love over and over again,
was incredibly holy, humbling, heart-breaking, and so heart-opening. Now this
holiness and LOVE continues, and so much joy — while we also grieve her loss. Leslie
And from our kids — unsolicited words in response to the news:
I have really fond memories of spending time with Yael and Doug as a kid. I was
always struck by Yael’s powerfully loving, amazing presence. She just made me feel
good when I was near her, and also she was one of those adults who treated kids as full
humans. Doug and Yael dealt with her health issues with such strength, wisdom, and
grace. I send much love. Amy
Yael was a very special person — I have very fond memories of being with Yael (and
Doug too) from my whole childhood. I send love. Adam
***Yael brought true love back to the world in a special way that only she could
have done with the help of her twin flame, Doug, and her spirit sister, Shanna. I am
grateful for the messages that uplifted my soul and allowed me to heal my divine
feminine. Her heart healing sessions were amazing and helped me shift large blocks to
my soul’s path. I am forever grateful for her and how she opened her home to share her
unconditional love with all who came. What an angel. Thank you Yael. I am forever
grateful for you and Doug. Much love, Iris-Michelle
***Although I was not a close personal friend of Yael, after doing the early
workshops, her energy was always around, especially when I received the messages
from God in my emails. Over the past few weeks I had found myself wondering about
her more than usual, so I guess some part of me was aware of what was to come. What
a blessing it has been to have her present on Earth with us at this time. She was such a
profound example of embodied Love… Her physical presence will be missed but I
am happy for the fact she is now free of the difficult body issues. Sylvia
***Yael, you blessed so many souls with your courage and passion and sharing the
blessings you received to so many. In the midst of all that is going on in this world, Yael
has brought us peace and love and so much more. May her spirit live on in us and
continue to help us all as we continue to learn to know Christ in ourselves and in each
other. May Doug be surrounded and supported and blessed through this transition and
all who are close to Yael. Be still and know. Theresa
***Yael and her profound communion with God forever altered the course of my life
through the beautiful words she spoke and shared with all of us. I’m forever grateful
and indebted for her remarkable contribution to my life. I know she is now expressing
as the pure essence of Love, at one with the peace and grace of God-I-Am. Brad
***I appreciated Yael’s gift of being thankful to God, no matter the adversity or
circumstances. She had a unique view of life, relationships and people in general. I was
usually able to take my mind off hardships and find a reason to tune into joy when I
was around Yael. There was a bright light in her heart that loved to share love
abundantly every day. She left us all a special example of love that had a special
influence on many people. I treasure the services she gave to the world. Peace, love and
joy be with you! Ariel
**Though we have never met in person, you have been ever so close to me in my heart. From the first time I came across your website some years ago , I immediately felt drawn to your work. Over the years since then and up to this very day today, your ” Messages of Love” emails, sent through the Circle of Light Spiritual Center, have all been so inspiring, so helpful and so motivating for me – each and every time arriving with perfect timing and with the perfect message. I can never thank you ( and your whole team) enough for your supportive work and your generous sharing. You are, and always were, a wonderful, beautiful, and a very, very, very special angel ! I wish you everlasting peace, love and joy. Much love and deep heartfelt appreciation. D.F.
**Yael felt the pull to go beyond all human knowing (understanding) and
embarked on an adventure beyond the mind and ego imaginations. Through the Heart
of all, what was once experienced by the personal self filled with pain and suffering
that left no hope of any relief, she took a leap of faith into the HEART. She became its
flame (absolute consciousness) and message. That consciousness that is prior to the all
knowing mind, birth, death, experiences, religions, perceptions, conceptions, that one
absolute substance, prior to all states and locations and practices, yoga and mantras.
Real in the unreal. We honor the ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS, that nameless
WITNESS of the heart. Prior to all, the gateless gate of the heart. Let us honor this
pioneer (Yael) of the heart as we hold all humanity heart centered in absolute
consciousness and light. Sheila
***Ah, Yael, you are such a bright and shining Star. I look in your eyes and see
Eternity. I read your words and feel the wisdom of Christ. I see your smile and have a
magic carpet ride of joy. The kind that changes me forever. You told me about living
vertically and I soared. You gave flight to many. You still do. I see you everywhere,
angel of Light. Oh, and I really like your new Outfit! Amber
***For Yael….You are love in form and now Love in Spirit, a luminous flute with
songs of the Beloved flowing through, filling us all with this blessing music! Kissing you
as you fly free. With so much gratitude, Elizabeth
**The guiding light of Yael came into my life at a time when I was overwhelmed by powerful change and very confused about many events that were coming into my daily experience. I had been asking God for help with shifting relationships and a new awareness of my own worth after spending five decades under the weight of an abusive childhood. The power of a new love that was forcing its way into my life sparked my curiosity and lure toward the subject of Twin Flame relationships and helped me see that that my understanding of that love was deficient, even though I had sought to learn about Twin Flame love many times in the past. I found Yael while the cries of my prayer and passion were creating a sense that my life was swirling out of control. Yael is a gift to us all, and for me she is answered prayer. Her calming presence and support of my mystical experience grounded me in my identity and allowed me to embrace the enormous value that my TwinFlame relationship could teach me about the love of God. I see Yael as my soul sister and offer deep gratitude for her rescue of my heart, her teaching and grounding presence, and her welcome home as she accompanied my awakening out of the illusion and into the real of love. I hold you all in heart and offer compassion and condolence in the moments of grief that are so deep and meaningful. Thank you Yael, may you be jumping for joy! Maggie
***Yael, dearest and most beloved soul sister of my heart — and soul
brother, Doug. When I was brought to Circle of Light, there was instant recognition
among us. Here was the “work for God” I had been seeking, and for you, the help from
God for which you had asked. We were together once more, in service. The words I
spoke, “I am going to come here and bring these Messages out to the world” sounded far
away, as if spoken from another dimension. We began. There followed the most exciting
period of my life. Transcribing and editing God Messages daily, compiling and editing
books, creating websites, becoming a wedding planner (and a minister), communicating
with hundreds of people, planning workshops, being able to assist you, Yael, as you
persevered in a challenging body…even having opportunities to return to my music.
Our little soul family expanded as we reached out. People came to us as we extended
our Love to the world. Pra appeared to help give reality to the Twin Flame Message, an
ecstatic other-worldly experience for me. Every moment was thrilling.
And now? My gratitude for the privilege of these magical experiences flows like a
river. Reading the messages people have sent, contained in this memorial document,
shows me that we accomplished much. God’s Love poured through your beautiful open
heart and out through the Messages to an amazing number of brothers and sisters
around the planet. I feel a great peace and satisfaction. I also delight in the knowing
that you are free of the burdens of the physical, experiencing the unspeakable joy and
ecstatic Love of endless reunion with precious Masters, brothers and sisters of the
purest Love. As I await our next meeting, Yael, be it years or eons, I know that we will
always recognize and love each other deeply, and we will always be embarking
together on a new service to God. Shanna